Todas las sucursales estarán cerradas y los servicios estarán suspendidos el lunes 2 de septiembre debido a día del trabajo.
¿Qué tipo de programas le gustaría ver en las bibliotecas del condado de Durham? ¡Danos tu opinión!

Ms. Sara

South Regional teen services librarian Sara

Sucursal: Biblioteca South Regional

Departamento: Servicios para adolescentes

Correo electrónico:

Sara nació y creció en Cleveland, Ohio. Recientemente se mudó a Carolina del Norte con su esposo y su perro, Zero. Cuando no está en la biblioteca, puede encontrar a la Sra. Sara jugando juegos de mesa, llevando a su perro a pasear, haciendo kayak con su esposo o jugando pickleball. Sara es una gran fanática de los equipos deportivos de Cleveland, va al cine semanalmente y con frecuencia gana en su noche de trivia local.

Pronombres: she/her

Ms. Sara's upcoming events

Forever Young Book Club

Wednesday, September 04, 2024 • 6:00pm - 7:00pm


A book club for adults who read Young Adult. We meet the 1st Wednesday of the month at Boxyard RTP. Grab a glass of wine, a beer, or food while we discuss that month's book pick. Haven't read the book? That's okay! Join us for a lively...

Ages: Adult, Emerging Adult: 18-24 Year Olds

Registration full. Join the waitlist >

Books on Tap at Fullsteam Brewery

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 • 6:30pm - 7:30pm


Spend the evening at Fullsteam Brewery widing your palate of beer and books. Beer will be available for purchase, and new book titles will be available to sample. If you want to check-out any of the new titles, be sure to bring your library...

Ages: Adult

Registration required

Forever Young Book Club

Wednesday, October 02, 2024 • 6:00pm - 7:00pm


A book club for adults who read Young Adult. We meet the 1st Wednesday of the month at Boxyard RTP. Grab a glass of wine, a beer, or food while we discuss that month's book pick. Haven't read the book? That's okay! Join us for a lively...

Ages: Adult, Emerging Adult: 18-24 Year Olds

Registration full. Join the waitlist >

Forever Young Book Club

Wednesday, November 06, 2024 • 6:00pm - 7:00pm


A book club for adults who read Young Adult. We meet the 1st Wednesday of the month at Boxyard RTP. Grab a glass of wine, a beer, or food while we discuss that month's book pick. Haven't read the book? That's okay! Join us for a lively...

Ages: Adult, Emerging Adult: 18-24 Year Olds

Registration full. Join the waitlist >

Vea todos los eventos >