
About the library

community.” Capturing the Culture of Durham After attending a Civic or Community Engagement program, 86% of respondents said that they intend on becoming more engaged in their community. 86% 7…


External resources

…NC State University. Our Community Stories The “Our Community Stories” series is a dedicated space for sharing histories from Durham’s marginalized and underrepresented communities. The series is a program provided…


Book clubs and kits

…McBride � Commonwealth by Ann Patchett � Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter by Tom Franklin � The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith � Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company that…


By-Laws of the Board of Trustees

…upon the number of persons to be appointed to a committee and designate the purpose of the committee. The committee may be dissolved upon the completion of its task or…


Innovation League community partners

Our community partners help us uphold our mission of reaching, empowering, and engaging the youth our community. We work together to capture, embrace, and empower the culture of Durham through…



…you control a Windows computer with your eyes. Assistive technology computer station at South Regional Zoomtext screen enlargement and screen reader Software that allows people who are visually impaired or…


Public comment

…specific employee is to submit comments in writing to Director of the Library or to the County Manager. Comments should be directed to the Board and not to other participants…