¿Qué tipo de programas le gustaría ver en las bibliotecas del condado de Durham? ¡Danos tu opinión!

Ms. Sara

South Regional teen services librarian Sara

Sucursal: Biblioteca South Regional

Departamento: Servicios para adolescentes

Correo electrónico: sgibson@dconc.gov

Sara nació y creció en Cleveland, Ohio. Recientemente se mudó a Carolina del Norte con su esposo y su perro, Zero. Cuando no está en la biblioteca, puede encontrar a la Sra. Sara jugando juegos de mesa, llevando a su perro a pasear, haciendo kayak con su esposo o jugando pickleball. Sara es una gran fanática de los equipos deportivos de Cleveland, va al cine semanalmente y con frecuencia gana en su noche de trivia local.

Pronombres: she/her

Ms. Sara's upcoming events

Durham Book Club Author Talk Sarah Beth Durst

Saturday, July 27, 2024 • 12:00pm - 2:30pm

South Regional Library (4505 S. Alston Ave) (South Regional - Children's Programming Room)

Meet Sarah Beth Durst, author of Spark Joining us via Zoom, Sarah will answer all your questions about the book, her writing process, and anything else. ...

Ages: Middle School, Teen, Tweens: 9-12 Year Olds

Registration required

Scoop! There It Is! Durham County Library Ice Cream Crawl

Saturday, July 27, 2024 • All day

South Regional Library (4505 S. Alston Ave)

Beat the Summer heat with Scoop There It Is Ice Cream Crawl!...

Ages: Adult, Elementary School, Emerging Adult: 18-24 Year Olds, High School, Intergenerational, Kindergarten, Middle School, Pre-School, Senior Citizen, Teen, Tweens: 9-12 Year Olds

Scoop! There It Is! Durham County Library Ice Cream Crawl

Sunday, July 28, 2024 • All day

South Regional Library (4505 S. Alston Ave)

Beat the Summer heat with Scoop There It Is Ice Cream Crawl!...

Ages: Adult, Elementary School, Emerging Adult: 18-24 Year Olds, High School, Intergenerational, Kindergarten, Middle School, Pre-School, Senior Citizen, Teen, Tweens: 9-12 Year Olds

Scoop! There It Is! Durham County Library Ice Cream Crawl

Monday, July 29, 2024 • All day

South Regional Library (4505 S. Alston Ave)

Beat the Summer heat with Scoop There It Is Ice Cream Crawl!...

Ages: Adult, Elementary School, Emerging Adult: 18-24 Year Olds, High School, Intergenerational, Kindergarten, Middle School, Pre-School, Senior Citizen, Teen, Tweens: 9-12 Year Olds

Scoop! There It Is! Durham County Library Ice Cream Crawl

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 • All day

South Regional Library (4505 S. Alston Ave)

Beat the Summer heat with Scoop There It Is Ice Cream Crawl!...

Ages: Adult, Elementary School, Emerging Adult: 18-24 Year Olds, High School, Intergenerational, Kindergarten, Middle School, Pre-School, Senior Citizen, Teen, Tweens: 9-12 Year Olds

Scoop! There It Is! Durham County Library Ice Cream Crawl

Wednesday, July 31, 2024 • All day

South Regional Library (4505 S. Alston Ave)

Beat the Summer heat with Scoop There It Is Ice Cream Crawl!...

Ages: Adult, Elementary School, Emerging Adult: 18-24 Year Olds, High School, Intergenerational, Kindergarten, Middle School, Pre-School, Senior Citizen, Teen, Tweens: 9-12 Year Olds

Vea todos los eventos >