Recording Studio Policy

Printable policy (PDF)


The purpose of the Recording Studio policy is to provide a basis for equitable service to all patrons who request to use the library’s facilities and to clarify the responsibilities of both the library and its patrons with regard to the use of the library’s Recording Studio.


Durham County Library makes its Recording Studio available to local groups and individuals for lawful public use on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use. No fees, dues or donations may be charged to or solicited from meeting attendees while in the library or as a requirement to attend meetings in said facility. Permission by the library to use the facility does not constitute an endorsement by the library staff, the Library Board of Trustees, or the Durham County Board of Commissioners.

The library’s Recording Studio is not available for private events such as graduations, weddings, birthday or anniversary parties.

The Recording Studio can be for individual or private use up to a maximum of 4 people. Meetings cannot exceed room capacity. While the maximum capacity of a room is nominally set by the Fire Marshal, a room’s actual capacity may be more limited due to configuration and set-up, or health and safety concerns. Durham County Library staff reserve the right to decline use of the Recording Studio or to ask patrons to leave if the number of persons in the room exceeds the room capacity. The Library reserves the right to decline any reservation for any reason.

A valid, full privileges Durham County Library card is required to reserve the Recording Studio. The Recording Studio may be reserved online (, by phone or in person. Patrons may only access the Recording Studio during library operating hours. Patrons may not access library buildings before opening or after closing to set up or prepare for gatherings. The Recording Studio is not available if the library building must close due to inclement weather, or other circumstances. Access to the Recording Studio is only given during the hours of reservation, reservation time must include set up and take down. Patrons reserving the Recording Studio are responsible for their own set up, clean up and take down. Patrons must return The Recording Studio to the posted set up. Patrons must notify the library of cancellation prior to the reservation date so the room may be made available to other patrons. Recording Studio reservations will terminate, and patrons must conclude gatherings and exit the room, 1 hour prior to the close of the library. Abuse of the Recording Studio Policy may result in loss of room use privileges.


Recording Studio

  • Reservations may be made no more than 30 days in advance.
  • Reservations are for 30-minute increments.
  • There is a maximum of two hours of total reservations outstanding per patron or group at any time.
  • Reservations can be made by patrons ages 13 years and older. Any patrons under the age of 13 years old wanting to use the Recording Studio must have a parent/guardian with them while in the room.
  • The Recording Studio accommodates up to 4 persons.
  • Room reservations are forfeited if the patron or group has not arrived within 15 minutes of the scheduled start of the reservation.
  • Patrons must abide by guidelines posted in the room.
  • Patrons must be responsible for set up, take down, and clean up; making sure the room is returned to its original set up.
  • Patrons should gather their belongings and be ready to leave at the end of their reservation. Utilize your final 15 to 30 minutes to save and export your project files and return the room to its original condition and set up.
  • Reservations may not be made for times outside of library hours. Patrons may not have access to rooms to set up or clean up before or after their reservation times.
  • While every effort will be made to honor reservations, Durham County reserves the right to cancel a reservation for violations of this policy, other misconduct, or because Durham County needs to use these facilities for official business.


Recording Studio


Food is not permitted, but securely covered drinks are allowed.

Patrons who book the Recording Studio accept responsibility for costs for additional cleaning and/or repairs due to damage done to library property.


It is the responsibility of all staff and facility supervisors to understand this policy fully to ensure fair and equitable application. It is the responsibility of the Deputy Director and the Assistant Director for Planning and Facilities, with the advice of the Board of Trustees, to interpret, monitor and recommend updates to this policy. The Library Director is the final authority with regard to restrictions on the use of the library.

Effective January 2023