¿Qué tipo de programas le gustaría ver en las bibliotecas del condado de Durham? ¡Danos tu opinión!


Ratón de bola

…un dispositivo apuntador de mano que requiere poco movimiento de la muñeca o de la mano. Se puede controlar con muy poco movimiento de los dedos. También puede utilizarse para


Teclado BigKeys

Ayuda a teclear a las personas con problemas de movilidad y/o visuales. Este teclado multicolor tiene teclas más grandes de lo normal para que sea más fácil ver las letras…



…Annual Report is available online. The url is durhamcountylibrary.org/annualreport. DCL is now offering Zinio, an online magazine service. Magazines can be checked out online with unlimited access and no return…



…has always set Nell Freudenberger apart is the sly, gimlet eye she turns on collisions of all kinds—sexual, cultural, familial. With The Newlyweds, she has found her perfect subject for…



DURHAM COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thursday, September 18, 2014 6-8 p.m. Southwest Regional – 3605 Shannon Road CALL TO ORDER Chair Dr. Felder called the meeting to order at…


20210414_Walk-In_Hours_Beginning_ May_4

…Goal 1 of the county’s Strategic Plan by enhancing cultural, educational, and creative opportunities. For more information about the library, visit DurhamCountyLibrary.org. ### https://youtube.com/c/durhamcountylibrary https://youtube.com/c/durhamcountylibrary https://events.durhamcountylibrary.org/events https://durhamcountylibrary.org/2020/03/durham-county-library-covid-19-update/#walk-in https://durhamcountylibrary.org/ Media Alert…



…she published her final book, Red Ribbon on a White Horst, a semi-fictional autobiography. Anzia Yezierska died in 1970. Since Persea’s republication of Bread Givers in 1875, Anzia Yezierska has…