La Biblioteca East Regional está cerrada por un problema de calefacción, ventilación y aire acondicionado.
Las impresiones se encuentran fuera de servicio en Biblioteca Southwest Regional.
¿Qué tipo de programas le gustaría ver en las bibliotecas del condado de Durham? ¡Danos tu opinión!



…Auditorium. The Library Board and County Commissioners heard feedback from the community. The Library Board has been given the authority to come up with a recommendation for the County Commissioners….



…that no procedure is in place at this time. Skip still encourages feedback from the Board either positive or negative, formally or informally. Much discussion ensued. By 6:40, the topic…



…by library users using official feedback channels, one of which also involves protecting users’ confidentiality. The issues raised by Mr. Berger were: (1) concern about the amount of time that…



…people of Middletown achieve it? 6. From Vance’s analysis, why are people in places like Middletown, Ohio so distrustful of contemporary America? How do these perceptions and views feed into…