Todas las sucursales estarán cerradas y los servicios estarán suspendidos el lunes 2 de septiembre debido a día del trabajo.
¿Qué tipo de programas le gustaría ver en las bibliotecas del condado de Durham? ¡Danos tu opinión!

Comunicado de prensa

Durham County Main Library Reopens Tuesday, July 20, 2021

…reinvented space to be a significant community and learning center for all,” says Tammy Baggett-Best, Library Director. “We are so excited to at last share this amazing building with our…

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…rights lawyer, advocate, legal scholar and author of The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness — the bestselling book that helped to transform the national debate…



…Mann and Brenda Bright of Engineering were in attendance. On March 11 a renovation focus group meeting was held. We received positive feedback on schematic design. Plans are still in…



…Activity/Strategy to gather info (“I wish the library would…») Committee Planning 1) Proposed Committee Revisions Goal: Provide feedback to Shawn who will consider recommendation to disband BOT committees for Facilities…



…success – the best ever. The Administrative Council danced for the staff. Deputy County Manager, Marqueta Welton, stayed the entire morning. The Friends presented a staff scholarship. • Recent speaking…



…a broad and diverse representation of our community. Visioning will be conducted with all Library staff on Staff Day. Bus trips to three “best practice” libraries (Greensboro; Charlotte- Mecklenburg County;…